Copyright When you
place an order please put the file name on - this can be found by pressing
“I” in the photo gallery to retrieve the
picture’s information. Picture ID: 14-06-04-025 The types
of format that the picture in question can be delivered in will be displayed
in the information under the picture. 16 Bit only possible with RAW Information about Pixelution’s bank account will be sent upon receipt of an order, the ordered pictures will only be delivered after the full payment has been received. Delivery of the pictures will occur after payment is received and can be done following ways: Downloaded from a FTP server to which Pixelution will grant the customer individual access. Contained on CD/DVD sent by ordinary mail. For expediency products can be shipped using FedEx or UPS, but this additional cost will be charged to the customer's bill. In regards to the pictures, you can choose from either the original version or an edited version (it will normally be the edited version that is displayed unless otherwise stated).
B. The pictures can ONLY be used as agreed. C. The buyer must send a specified description of what the pictures will be used for, if possible including examples. D. The photographer’s name must be clearly displayed in all instances of public use. E.
The responsibility for any wrongdoing or legal or financial losses are
not the responsibility of Jannik Stuhr or Pixelution. Copyright Notice The materials
on these pages are for personal use only. Pictures may not be used or
reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Carolien